We understand the importance of timely delivery when it comes to online shopping. That's why we have partnered with a reliable logistics provider to ensure your orders are delivered efficiently. As items may be source from different places, delivery times may vary for certain products. However, rest assured that we always strive to deliver your orders as quickly as possible.
Delivery Address:
Please utilize your residential or business address for the delivery to be completed successfully.
We are not able to ship to any Postal addresses or courier/shipping forwarder.
Please fill in the delivery address correctly before checkout process to avoid undelivered parcel and additional charges.
Shipping Fees:
All shipping rates will be calculated per order based on the parcel(s) weight, dimensions and its final destination.
Your applicable shipping fees will automatically be calculated and displayed in the order summary during the checkout process. This is done for your reference and acceptance before clicking the final “submit” button to finalize payment of your order.
International Shipping - About Customs, Duties & Taxes:
When ordering from our site, you are responsible for assuring the product can be lawfully imported to the destination.
Recipients of international shipments may be subject to import taxes, fees, and customs duties (therein referred to as “Import Fees’), levied by the customs office of your shipping destination. These fees vary according to the customs regulations of the destination country.
Import taxes, fees and custom duties are not included in shipping/product cost. You are responsible for payment of these fees when order arrives at your destination. Our courier partner will coordinate with you for payment before delivery.
Customs policies vary widely, and some countries don't charge Import Fees for shipments that fall below a minimum value. You are advised to clarify with customs office of the destination country before purchasing from our site.
You are the recipient/importer and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the destination country. Customs delays can affect original delivery estimates.
Customs offices in some countries or regions require the recipient/importer to provide a form of identification before releasing a shipment, such as a Passport, Tax ID, etc.
Delivery Timelines & Conditions:
Estimated delivery timeline:
o West Malaysia: 4 - 9 Working Days (Excludes Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays)
o East Malaysia : 6 - 12 Working Days (Excludes Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays)
o Outside Malaysia : 7 - 14 Working Days (Singapore), 15-20 Working Days (Other Countries)
There may be circumstances which extends delivery times, such as pre-order, pre-sale, adverse weather conditions or other reasons.
Orders are shipped on business days only. Business days are Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm, excluding Public Holidays in Malaysia.
Once your order has been placed, it immediately starts going through our ordering process. Therefore, we unfortunately cannot cancel or change your order or order details even if it has not been shipped yet. Once you receive your order, you may return any products you don't want by following our Return Policy.
We will not deliver on weekends or Public Holidays. Please make sure there is someone at the address provided to sign for and accept the delivery.
Delivery will be attempted three (3) times by our service provider, failing which the parcel will be considered as “Undelivered Parcels” (Refer below)
Undelivered Parcels & Additional shipments:
Local undelivered parcels will be returned to our warehouse and will be considered as returns for a refund.
International undelivered parcels will be disposed of at the Customs Duty offices, and no refund will be applicable for the order.
If you request for a new delivery/shipment, new shipping charges will be incurred. We will proceed with the delivery once payment has been made.
Undelivered Parcels will be considered as returns and will be refunded.